Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tempus Fugit!

Less than 7 days left before we depart. Where has the time gone? Unfortunately the time we are in Greece will fly by even faster! I am returning from Newark this evening, trying to finish up my projects before we depart. Barbara has been busy taking care of last minute details to make our departure free of problems.

Egypt is frustrating, Libya is close to civil war, and the rest of the area is still in a state of turmoil. And, Greece is experiencing a wicked late winter storm with icicles dangling from the eaves! But, looking back in history, nothing has changed, only the names! Be it the Macedonians, the Selcuks, Spartans, Alexander the Great; the names have changed, but the turmoil continues!

With over a month in Lesvos, we are exploring the possibility of another side trip to Turkey, the ferry ride is only 1 1/2 hours and since we already have a car rented we could simply take the ferry and drive in the dangerous countryside of Turkey to Ephesus, Pamkkule, and Heliopolis. We have downloaded all the Turkish road signs, the only problems is translating the signs from Turkish to English or Greek. I have mastered four Greek words so I could at least have a few signs translated. The one I like best is "May God protect you". I think the locals say this as they close their eyes and blast through the round-about. There are a number of hot springs in the Turkish countryside, renowned for their medicinal healing properties; the ancient Greeks and Romans nursed their war wounds in these therapeutic spas, perhaps we can nurse our wounds from driving in the Turkish country.........

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